About Us

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Making A Difference​

At GuardFlow, we're more than just a gutter guard installation company - we're dedicated to ensuring the long-term success of our team and supporting our veterans.

Our Mission

  • Provide

    Provide homeowners in Saint Louis with reliable, high-quality gutter guard solutions.

  • Protect

    Protect your property and your wallet from avoidable damage so you can focus on what you love most. 

  • Invest

    Invest in the futures of our sales representatives, empowering them to succeed and grow.

  • support

    Support our veterans by partnering with main suppliers who share our values.

The Team

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Nathan V.

A master's student at Saint Louis University with years of experience in the service industry, Nathan handles quality and makes sure everything gets done on time at GuardFlow.

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Your Associate

The employee at your door is an aspiring leader with goals and skills he or she is working on. They truly appreciate your help on their journey and are here to answer any questions you may have.